
Support Jane for San Marino School Board!

A national election, a global pandemic, national voting issues, 5 candidates up for only 2 seats. These factors all mean Jane needs a big marketing campaign to get her name out there.  You can support Jane in the following ways:

  • Financially:  Please email for ways to support the campaign.
  • Yard Sign:  Put a sign in your front yard and find 5 other residents to put a sign in their yard, especially if they live in a high-visibility area.
  • Poster:  Ask a San Marino business owner to put a poster in their window.
  • Door Hangers:  Commit to placing 30 door hangers on your neighbors’ front door.  
  • Host a Zoom Meeting: Introduce Jane and invite your friends to attend the meeting.
  • Host an In-Person Meeting: Invite friends to your front lawn/backyard to meet Jane.
  • 10-Votes Supporter:  Find 10 voters to vote for Jane and recruit them to find 10 votes for Jane.
  • Endorser: Publicly endorse Jane for advertising on her website, in ads/flyers, social media.

Click here to reach out to Jane to support her in any way!